
Moorfield Primary School is a Primary school for 4-11 year olds in Newport, Shropshire. I have decided to start a blog with my class of Year 3/4 children to share some of the work we have been doing in school and hopefully, inspire them to do some more fantastic work!

Please note: There are links to external websites, relevant to subjects we are covering in school. These are generally from educational resources and always checked first for suitability.  We cannot be held responsible for the content of these links.



3 responses to “About

  1. Mr. Brown, this is a fantastic idea and I really love reading about what our lucky children have been up to. Your next task is to get all year groups to do this…

  2. I’m sure they would love to! Why don’t you do one like this?

  3. I think that it will be a god.

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