Tag Archives: Billy

Mr Brown’s Mathletes!

These children worked on Mathletics at home and completed all of their assigned tasks and more (a lot more in some cases!) in order to get their certificates. Well done Brent, Billy, Niamh, Katie and Prian! The overall Mathlete of the Week was Niall with a whopping 3700 points!

Measuring Jelly Snakes

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Mr Brown’s Maths class were very busy this morning measuring jelly snakes.

We estimated, then measured Average Joe, Headless, Tail Free and Stretchy!

At the end we reunited all of the parts of the snakes in our stomachs!

Moorfield 1 – Shortwoods 0

Congratulations to the Year 3/4 football team, who played their first match last night. They played Shortwoods in Wellington and beat them by a single goal. Congratulations to Jack, who scored the goal, and all of the team who played together really well. Keep it up!

Thanks to Mr Shelley and all of those who came to watch and helped with transport.

Birmingham Museum

The stug bitel was put arond your neck  to help you to go to the after life.Also to make your hart less hard and you fined the stug bitels in Egypt.

by Billy