Tag Archives: Pages

What we did afternoon.

Today in the afternoon we had the MacBooks and we had to make a Olympic poster about a sport what is in the Olympics. We chose the sport triathlon. All the class made posters we had to do facts about the sport, what is the sport, and what day does the sport start. We went on a website to find facts and pictures there was brilliant pictures of the swimming people diving, we all had fun doing are posters.

Triathlon Mia & Eve

By Olivia and Mia.

Base 3 Olympic T.shirts

Yesterday we made Olympic t.shirts and today we are going on the MacBooks and writing about them. in the picture as you can see some people have got them on.Because we went on a app on the computer called photo booth and we took a picture of the person and there t.shirt on all of them were great. The first group were helping to teach other people to do their picture and every body has made fab T.shirts.

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More Year 3/4 Polar bear reports

Our fantastic reporters from Year 3 and 4 have produced another stunning batch of articles about the plight of the Polar bear. We proofread them today, checking them against our success criteria. As somebody said when they were looking at one of these articles “Wow! I don’t think I can think of anything that could be improved!”
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Year 3/4 Newsroom!

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Today, Base 3 was turned into a newsroom. The reporting team are working to their deadline of Wedsnesday, whilst the Editorial team with Mrs Holmes were busy checking and proof reading their articles.

Mrs Holmes and her team chose the 4 articles that had achieved most from the success criteria to be published on the blog. So here they are:
