Tag Archives: Polar Bears

My Global Warming Planet

This is my global warming planet with electricity stations, nuclear power plants, cars and planes. It took me two days to do this the first for the cutting and drawing the land the second for colouring in the sea and land and the Polar Bears facts with the antarctic and arctic weren’t coloured in by pen they were actually coloured in by tipex and then on the south pole it has a penguin with his house for sale and on the north pole a polar bear with a sack with his stuff in on a stick one thing is that Greenland is a bit too big.

By Nathan


My polar bear books

I got some polar bear books from the libary last week.mop
These are the names of the books polar reigons in dager,Around the poles,polar bears and Hiding in the polar regions.
In the book called polar bears it said some really good facts like this one polar bear families stay close to the den entrance for the first two weeks now and like these facts aswell polar bears are stong swimmers. They spend a iot of time in the sea swimming from ice floe to ice floe,hunting for seals.They use their webbed feet as paddles and their thick,oily fur keeps them warm in the freezing water.Polar bear cubs quickly learn to swim.If they become tired,they can travel though the water on their mothers back.

By Milly


More Year 3/4 Polar bear reports

Our fantastic reporters from Year 3 and 4 have produced another stunning batch of articles about the plight of the Polar bear. We proofread them today, checking them against our success criteria. As somebody said when they were looking at one of these articles “Wow! I don’t think I can think of anything that could be improved!”
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Year 3/4 Newsroom!

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Today, Base 3 was turned into a newsroom. The reporting team are working to their deadline of Wedsnesday, whilst the Editorial team with Mrs Holmes were busy checking and proof reading their articles.

Mrs Holmes and her team chose the 4 articles that had achieved most from the success criteria to be published on the blog. So here they are:


Is it a cardboard box? Is it a Polar bear?

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Mrs Sutton has been very busy making a Polar bear from some cardboard boxes in the courtyard. Lucky she had lots of helpers. You can see it is beginning to take shape! We hope to update you soon – watch this space!


Plight of the Polar Bears

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This week Year 3/4 have started work on their ‘Green’ theme for this term. We have been researching the Plight of the Polar bears. Base 5 and Base 6 have being doing some Polar Bear artwork. These pictures are of Mrs Wiser’s wonderful display.

Mr Brown’s class have posted some facts about Polar Bears on their own blogs – click here to read them!

If you want to do some more research on Polar Bears, the websites are all in the Links area on the left, under Polar Bears – scroll down!