Monthly Archives: September 2011

George’s pyrmid

I brout a pyramid whith a pharo in side. It is glitterey  gold.

We madea mummy and touk the whet parts witch were intestines,stumock,liver,flesh.

By George

What i Brout from the Birmingham Museum.

When I went to the Birmingham Museum I brout a card of hieroglyphics. Now I know what all the letters are in hieroglyphics, and I wish that I could go to the Birmingham Museum again.

By Olivia.

Birmingham Museum

The stug bitel was put arond your neck  to help you to go to the after life.Also to make your hart less hard and you fined the stug bitels in Egypt.

by Billy

Making a mummy

I was wrapping up a mummies leg with linen  bandages and you can not let any air in and it was fun.

By Mia

Mathletics certificates

In Base 5 we have been working on mathletics all week. Mrs Sutton took the foto with an ipad2.


Have you seen your shadow recently??? I saw mine the other day and i’m sure that it got bigger through out the day! I challenged my class to try as hide as many people as they could in their shadow – we managed to hide 5 people. Why not have a go at playing shadow tig or hiding people in your shadow while the sun is out today!!

Year 3/4 art work

On Tuesday afternoons, Year 3/4 have been learning about Vincent Van Gogh with Mrs Holloway – here are some of their wonderful paintings.

Can you see yours?


Fun with shadows

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As it was such a lovely sunny day today, both Mr Brown and Mrs Wiser’s classes went outside to measure their shadows! Lots of fun – all 3 classes are going tomorrow to measure them in the morning.

What did we find out about shadows by drawing around them?

Kathryn`s figoures

When we went to Birmingham mousem  on Thursday we went into a gift shop  and I brought a pencil with Tutencarmen on it.Also I brought a Tutencarmen figure witch I keep in my room.

By Kathryn

birmingham museum

We went Birmingham museum we went to the giftshop and i bourght  a pyramid where you have to scrach it then you have to dust it and there’s a prize inside and i got Nefertiti.

By Amber