Monthly Archives: February 2012

I think it could be Chrystal.

Mrs Sutton

Blogging day


We are celebrating Feb 29th by having a whole school blogging day. The “Blog Squad” are teaching other classes all about blogging and we have made lots of posts on – I’m very proud of all of them! This is my post, from first thing this morning!

My Global Warming Planet

This is my global warming planet with electricity stations, nuclear power plants, cars and planes. It took me two days to do this the first for the cutting and drawing the land the second for colouring in the sea and land and the Polar Bears facts with the antarctic and arctic weren’t coloured in by pen they were actually coloured in by tipex and then on the south pole it has a penguin with his house for sale and on the north pole a polar bear with a sack with his stuff in on a stick one thing is that Greenland is a bit too big.

By Nathan


Polar Bear Naming Competition.

I am doing this competition so that the first person to geuss the name will have the polar bear for a week and they write down what they did with the polar bear in the journal.I got this from the wwf go wild team for adopting a polar are the names below they go up to the letter l you can choose anyone of the and vote for a comment!

    1. Snowy
    2. Icy
    3. Chilly
    4. Snowdrift
    5. Arctic
    6. Iceberg
    7. .P.B By Alfie
    8. hudson
    9. Tintin
    10. Jacob
    11. Alfie
    12. White


Homework makes me happy!

Just two of the fantastic poems that have been written for homework. I am delighted so many people have been bringing their homework back so quickly. Zac and Ben have been working hard at the weekend. Remember you still get 5 house points if you bring in your homework on a Monday.



This week we are Quadblogging with a school in Australia! It is called Cooinda Primary School. ‘Cooinda’ means a happy meeting place! The school is in Bunbury, Western Australia. If you leave them a comment, remember to say where you are from!

We are blogging with Mr Scott’s class. I’m sure my class has lots of questions for them! Remember to tell them where you are writing from.

Fantastic fractions


Today we have been finding fractions of a collection. I wonder if anyone can tell me what these 2 fractions have in common?


Literacy Homework

We thought we would try something different with our homework this week. If you decide to complete on a computer and would like to share it, you could add it as a comment here, copying it and pasting it! Remember you still need to stick it in your homework book though!

Paired reading

We have been working hard on our reading. The pupils have been hearing each other read aloud and this week we have been focusing on asking each other literal and deductive questions.


Moorfield Primary Blog

This morning, everyone had the chance to visit other classes to see the wonderful settings created on our Tin Forest day. There were some amazing DT and art skills on display and some fantastic writing!

Tin Forest Day from Moorfield Primary on Vimeo.

Some of the wonderful settings created by children on our whole school Tin Forest day, inspired by the book ‘The Tin Forest’ written by Helen Ward.

The slideshow was made using iPhoto.

  • What were your favourite parts of the day?
  • What was your favourite piece of writing or art work that you saw in other classrooms?
  • Would you like to do it again?
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