Tag Archives: trophies

Jake’s trophy

One day me and my mom went to a competition for Gymnastics and I won a trophy. I came first over all in the finals in the Isle of Man with my friend called Jack and he had a meadal . in the madeal ther  was 3 legs in the medal  was the simball of Isle of Man.


My sealife medal

I went to see my auntie in Bath on the 6 week holidays. We went down Weymouth  and there was a sealife center. I had to spot if the animals were a boy or a girl from the colour of their feathears. I completed it so I  got ten out of ten/ and I got a medal.


Megan’s cricket trophy

I  have  won a certificate and a trophy  for bieng a good cricketer . The chairman said I am a special, good young talented,polite girl! I have played for the under 11 Shropshire county cricket club, under 13 cricket club and I have played some cricket matches for St  Georges. My main cricket club is Lilleshall!

By Megan