Tag Archives: Tutankhamun

My Ancient Egypt stuff

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When my Nanny and Grandad went to Egypt they brought me some things that they had brought with their money and   something  from the shop.They posted it me from Egypt.I called my Nanny and Grandad on the phone to say thank you for what they got me.On the money you can see there is a sphinx on it and not a queen or king that is because nobody rules Egypt!The scroll is made out of papyrus the proper paper!

By Isabel.

Egyptian Presentation

Jorge in Y4 made this very informative presentation, with a quiz at the end!

My Egypt Book

One day before school my dad look through a pile of books and found a Egypt book and it said at the bottem of it the world of the Pharaohs and its really,really,really heavy.

by Kathryn

My picture of Tutankhamun’s.

A few days ago I drawed a picture of Tutankhamun’s, I found a picture of Tutankhamun’s of the internet, and I copyed the picture, I did all the picture on my own, I thought it was really hard, I thought that I wasn’t going to be able to do this picture but I did it in the end, It took me about half an hour to do this drawing.

By Olivia.


my pyramid Jac

Well year 3/4 went to the birmingham museum and art gallery because we were learning about acient Egyptian. And this is what i learnt they use to put natron salts on the body 40 days now that is along time  but not for the egyptians they thought that they would rot but they did,t.These are the things i bought a Tutankhamuns face and a pyramid  with hiroglificks on it.

BY Jack


This is a picture of tutankhamun’s tomb.(it’s the death mask) tutankhamun is really good to learn about because he was the youngest pharoah when he died. he was only about 20 hope you learn more.

 by Alfie

Daytons Tutankhamuns

I brout these from the art gallery the person in the scofacos is tutankhamun.The writing on the scoacos is hierogliphics what the Egyptians write in. The death mask   of Tutankham when he is dead.        By Dayton.

What do you know about Tutankhamun?

This picture is of a model of Tutankhamun’s death mask.

What facts can you find out about Tutankhamun? (Try the links on the left to help!)

Post them as comments for house points!