Category Archives: olympics

Year 4 meet olympic gymnasts!

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Our lucky year 4s got to meet the Women British Gymnastics squad at Lilleshall thanks to our friends at British Gymnastics.

Finding Olympic venues

This morning Mr Brown’s Maths group have been using grid references to find Olympic venues and London landmarks on a map. Great fun!


What we did afternoon.

Today in the afternoon we had the MacBooks and we had to make a Olympic poster about a sport what is in the Olympics. We chose the sport triathlon. All the class made posters we had to do facts about the sport, what is the sport, and what day does the sport start. We went on a website to find facts and pictures there was brilliant pictures of the swimming people diving, we all had fun doing are posters.

Triathlon Mia & Eve

By Olivia and Mia.

Blue Peters Big Olympic Tour

On the 30.6.12 me my auntie and my sister went to Wolverhampton to see Blue Peters Big Olympic Tour. When we got there was a massive Que. When we got in we went over to a big tent were the start of the programe then they had a celebrity challenge with Joe Squash the challenge was cycling then they showed a Horrible Histories movie Pitch of the modern Olympics. I also got a sighed car d from Helen and Barney.

By Nathan


Queen visits the Olympics

We made a animation about when the Queen visits the Olympics. We made the animation about 2 weeks ago on Monday. First we made the people out of plastercine and the other people they were made of lego. We used i can animate and when we took pictures we had to move the models slightly so it looks like they are actually walking.We used  music and voices and some effects. We all enjoyed doing the voices  also making the models and taking the pictures.

Moorfield School and the Olympic Torch

This is the video British Gymnastics made starring Moorfield Primary on the Olympic Torch day.

The Olympic torch

On the 30th of May the torch came past our school loads of people were watching the Olympic torch there was police men.There was loads of trucks on the road before the torch arrived past our school  there was a coca cola truck. People were giving out the union jack when it came people were wild with excitement.

by Eve& Josh

My Olympic Board Game

My Olympic board game is called Wenlock and Mandeville face the chalange. There are 4 counters the are two Wenlocks and there are two Mandevilles. The rules are no cheating and if you have 7 moves and you land on the red 7  you have to go back 7 steps. The age group is: 7 +.

By Dayton

The Olympic Torch

On the 30th May the olympic torch came past our school! Moorfield did a cycling race in town, they came 3rd. The girl who was carrying the torch was called Rachel she is a swimmer. All POLICE was coming! There was 4 lorries.

By Maddy

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Linking hands animation

This is the second of our Olympic animations from Justin, Georgina, Nathan and Jorge. We’d love to know what you think about it!