Category Archives: Jorge

Jorge’s Lighthouse story

There was once a lighthouse which was gleaming above a town in the town every one was having a great time, except for one grumpy man who lived in the lighthouse that was on gigantic cliff that was above some sharp,dagger like rocks.The cliff was also above the sea.The fierce,deadly waves were crashing against the pointy, jagged rocks. Crashing against the towered cliff the waves made a loud CRASH!In the lighthouse there was a lighthouse keeper. The grumpy, forgotten man, was writing an important and crucial letter.

Suddenly he heard a loud crash. The lighthouse keeper wondered what it was.After that the window blew open.The bright, gleaming candle got blown out because of the cold, strong wind. It was very dark and the lighthouse keeper went to get a lantern, but he tripped over his chair!Keeper started running up the stairs to see what it was,when the lighthouse keeper got to the top keeper saw that the clogs that powered the light had stopped working! Next he ran through a door that goes to the light in the lighthouse and put his tool-box behind him.He looked in the cage that meant to have the bulb in and there was NOTHING there!!!

The lighthouse keeper lifted up the cage, but keeper tripped over his tool-box  and the cage smashed!Next he heard a loud horn, there was a ship coming!Then he saw lots of lights in the distance. The man, who was worried,terrified wondered what he was going to do.The lighthouse keeper ran downstairs as fast as keeper could and yanked open the door to see what it was.There was nothing there, but then a huge light was coming up the hill.It was the town’s people they came to help.They all ran upstairs and some of them stayed at the bottom of the lighthouse.Then the ship did a huge turn and just missed hitting the cliff.Afterwards the town,s people and the lighthouse keeper were re-united once again.(Hooray)

The End

My Cat Jumped In The TOILET!!!!

Last Tuesday my cat (Sebastian) jumped in the toilet for some bizarre reason. I thought he needed the toilet!!! You may be thinking how he did this, he did this by thinking the toilet seat was down and jumped onto it.(in it). Me and my mom laughed our heads off. I even fell on the floor!!! Then Seb (Sebastian) jumped back out of the toilet and ran downstairs to go outside and dry. For the rest of the day I laughed!!!

By Jorge and Ben!:D

Baby Bird!!

Over the weekend my Auntie came round and we were about to go to a fair when we spotted a baby bird sitting on some fallen over plant pots.We didn’t know what to do. So me and my brother ran to the garage and got our cat cage. Then we put it in the cat cage and when the bird was in the cat cage my Auntie tried to look at the bird under it’s wing because it was bleeding and it kept on flapping it wings so I thought we should call him/her flappy! My mom called the RSPCA but they suggested we take Flappy (the bird) to a rescue centre that is about 15 minutes away from where I live. I went to the rescue centre in my PJ’s:D! When we got there a dog smelled my dressing gown.We took Flappy into the place with all the animals that don’t like the cold and one of the workers took Flappy out of the cat cage and also looked under Flappy’s wings and saw a very bad scab that needed  treatments. When we were going back home it was again meant to take 15 minutes but we got lost.

By Jorge 🙂

Linking hands animation

This is the second of our Olympic animations from Justin, Georgina, Nathan and Jorge. We’d love to know what you think about it!

Thompson’ s Talent

If you want to find out more about the one and only Daley Thompson, watch Jorge’s video biography! Let us know what you think!

Body Fact or Body Fiction?

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On Monday 21st of May Base 3 did science to see if your foot was the same length as your forearm. Your foot was the same length as your fist. Your nose was the same length as your ear and your height was the same lengthas your wingspan. Mostly everyone found out it was fiction for all experiments.Unforntunately some groups didn’t finish.):
Still everyone had a fandabydosey afternoon.
By Megan and Jorge
Moorfield primary school

When I met Beth Tweddle

On Thursday Me and some other 3/4 children went to Lilleshall gymnastics place building thingy. In there we got to see the FAMOUS GYMNAST BETH TWEDDLE! It was really good. First we were watching the gymnasts from up the stairs then we got to go down stairs into the room where every one was training! We got Beth’s autograph and we got to talk to her and we got her to sign our 2012 photo. We also got to see the men doing a competition sort of thing. They were scoring each other out of 10 on each of the equipment. That was what me and some other 3/4 kids did on Thursday.

By Jorge

Year 3/4 Newsroom!

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Today, Base 3 was turned into a newsroom. The reporting team are working to their deadline of Wedsnesday, whilst the Editorial team with Mrs Holmes were busy checking and proof reading their articles.

Mrs Holmes and her team chose the 4 articles that had achieved most from the success criteria to be published on the blog. So here they are:


Egyptian ebook

To view this flipping book you need to have Flash Player 9 or newer installed and JavaScript enabled. Flipsnack is a flash video player that allows you to create stylish flipping books out of your PDF document.