Category Archives: Megan

My cricket certificate and medal

On the 8th July I played cricket for St.Georges because they needed a extra player in their team.The first match we won by 2 wicket’s. I took one wicket.When i got a wicket in the first match it was a diving catch.

In the second match my team that i was playing for was losing against the cricket team whem.We were losing by 3 wickets.I came into to bowl and i got 3 wickets out of 4.We did four bowls because if we did six bowls not every body would get a bowl.

When i was’nt batting i went wicket keeper. The only time when i wasnt wicket keeper was when i went to bowl.

When i batted in 1 over i hit two 4s and 1 six.

20120718-072858.jpgBy Megan Trickett

The lighthouse By Megan

One cold,misty night an old,grumpy man was alone in a lighthouse.This lighthouse was on top of a steep,high,jagered cliff which was next to the sea.That night when the lighthouse light went past,party people were cheering,while they were cheering the old man was writing a letter.

The old man sat alone in the darkness,SUDDENLY there was a big bang. “BANG”The old man looked up and grabbed the lantern and rushed up the stairs to see what was wrong.He looked at a big light bulb and picked it up then he tripped over his tool box and fell over.He smashed the lightbulb.Terrified,scared, frightened he tripped and smashed the lift bulb.

He picked up the lanteren and ran down the stairs to the front door and opened it.While he was doing that he heard the sea crashing smashing against the sharp,jagered rocks.The miserable old man wasn’t grumpy or miserable he was smiling and very happy because all of the villages came up the lanterns.

So now all of the passengers and the staff and the boat drivers were saved.the old man saved the day for the boat people.The old man was so delighted and over joyed. He hoped a day like that would be done again.

He liked saving them people on the ship.The old man was glad the villages helped.Everyone had a smile on there face

The end

By Megan T

Queen visits the Olympics

We made a animation about when the Queen visits the Olympics. We made the animation about 2 weeks ago on Monday. First we made the people out of plastercine and the other people they were made of lego. We used i can animate and when we took pictures we had to move the models slightly so it looks like they are actually walking.We used  music and voices and some effects. We all enjoyed doing the voices  also making the models and taking the pictures.

Sleepover at Ambers house!!

On Saturday me and Lara had a sleepover at Ambers house we slept in a sleeping bag it was as flat as a pancake. We watched diary of a wimpy kid2 Rodrick rules it was amazing we had toffee popcorn, normal popcorn ,sherbet sweets and Pringles then we went to sleep at 1 o’clock in the morning. Then in the morning all we did was play.

By Megan G & Amber W.

Fabulous Dame Kelly Holmes!

Megan and Jerusha wrote and narrated this fabulous video biography of Dame Kelly Holmes using Keynote. We’d love to know what you think of it!

Olympic animations


This afternoon two groups have been busy making their Olympic animations using I can animate. We added sound and titles using iMovie. Let us know what you think of the finished video!


Body Fact or Body Fiction?

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On Monday 21st of May Base 3 did science to see if your foot was the same length as your forearm. Your foot was the same length as your fist. Your nose was the same length as your ear and your height was the same lengthas your wingspan. Mostly everyone found out it was fiction for all experiments.Unforntunately some groups didn’t finish.):
Still everyone had a fandabydosey afternoon.
By Megan and Jorge
Moorfield primary school

Megan’s 100wc wk29

Secret Mystery!
One marvellous,sunny morning Sophia and Rachel went to the cafe to get a cake.It had pink icing.After they they had there cake,they went to the woods.Sophia and Rachel built a little den.They always went there.It had seats and there was food.They were walking through the woods and there was a door! There was also a note.It said whoever finds this open the door,so they did.They fell through a black hole.In front of them was a castle. The birds were chirping noisily. One flew in front of them.They saw a dragon come towards them!


Egyptian book 3